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Re: Занимљиве слике и клипови

Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2016 4:57 pm
by Пери
Највећи цигани на овој планети!!!


Re: Занимљиве слике и клипови

Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2016 7:07 pm
by прекидач
Cigani su ti koji su stavili kuče sa pitonom

Re: Занимљиве слике и клипови

Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2016 7:27 pm
by svuda.prisutan
Па вероватно је на њих и мислио.

Re: Занимљиве слике и клипови

Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2016 8:00 pm
by Кудрави Гаучос

Re: Занимљиве слике и клипови

Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2016 10:30 pm
by copy/paste

Re: Занимљиве слике и клипови

Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2016 10:36 pm
by beerman!

Re: Занимљиве слике и клипови

Posted: Tue Mar 29, 2016 2:14 am
by dag
moze i u zal za mlados'


Re: Занимљиве слике и клипови

Posted: Tue Mar 29, 2016 2:34 am
by UltrasDoras
Кудрави Гаучос wrote:Image

zagrebalo se debelo u slučaj gajdobra, jedva čekam sljedeću epizodu :lol:

Re: Занимљиве слике и клипови

Posted: Tue Mar 29, 2016 10:11 am
by Rođaci
mogli bi da vežu svih pet o Gajdobri ove nedelje
ali kapiram da će da čekaju hiljaditu da reše to konačno :D

Re: Занимљиве слике и клипови

Posted: Tue Mar 29, 2016 2:43 pm
by МГП

Re: Занимљиве слике и клипови

Posted: Tue Mar 29, 2016 4:17 pm
by čompika
copy/paste wrote:Image

Re: Занимљиве слике и клипови

Posted: Wed Mar 30, 2016 9:42 am
by dennycrane

Re: Занимљиве слике и клипови

Posted: Wed Mar 30, 2016 12:43 pm
by Baklja
čompika wrote:

A u stvari ... :

Brussels, March 27th, 2016.
Few days after the tragic and horrible attacks in Brussels, I decided to go together with my 8 year old son to the memorial place in Brussels. This because we wanted to express our support and to give my son more explanations of what happened in the last days. Honestly, how do you explain all this terror to a kid of that age that comes with difficult questions? Questions such as "dad, why does these people do what they do?" And I must admit, as a father I estimate a somber future.
After we drove for an hour and after 2x delicious "Brussels Waffles" we came to the memorial place. There were hundreds of people mourning, the reigning silence was heart devastating. I saw flags of different countries everywhere, from Belgium to Morocco. Here and there there was a person singing songs of hope between the enormous quantity of flowers that were disposed on the memorial place.
What I noticed immediately was a certain group standing on the right top of the stairs.
In the beginning they seemed people with positive messages such as "stop the hate" and "United were strong".
But quickly I realised that, unfortunately, they were also there to diffuse their propaganda, their extreme left winged ideology.
Myself I am a left winged person, but I can't stand people that use such tragic and horrible events to promote their political program, left or right! I further ignored them.
After about a half hour I decided to go back home, after all my son became bored and wanted to play on his PlayStation.
But then suddenly, coming from the direction of the Nord train station, we heard a lot of noise. I took my son on my shoulders and decided to go and have a closer look staying on the sides.
What I saw was an impressive spectacle.
An army of at least 600 men, most dressed in black were heading to the memorial place.
Here and there torches and flares were lighted. Many people around me and just like me didn't know what was happening.
Did they came to have a fight? Did they came to create disorder? Why this spectacular protest and wasn't it forbidden by the authorities to protest these days?
I immediately noticed Thea these persons were from the "hooligan" type of persons.
Tall, big, noisy and most with shaved heads, you know them.
Just before they arrived to the memorial place they passed by a group of soldiers that were there to ensure the safety of the civilians. Immediately all hooligans started to applause these soldiers as a sign of respect and you could see that this was appreciated by the soldiers.
My first opinion started to change and certainly when I saw that the moment the hooligans came to the memorial place they were all noiseless. It appeared clear they all came to mourn as well, not to start a fight and not with political statements. No, from the beginning everybody of this impressive big group was still upon their arrival and they wanted to mourn just like the rest of us.
You could say in a way that the only difference was that these guys weren't wearing Sunday clothing.
In the front there was a banner that was made visible..."CASUALS AGAINST TERRORISM", the silence was broken with loud signing "WE HATE ISIS" and you could hear it through all streets in Brussels. Many of us that were standing around were impressed and were spectating this spectacle. An older couple started to clap their hands for them. My son didn't know what was going on and looked at me with open mouth. But then suddenly the situation changed. A certain person wearing glasses, for me obviously under the use of drugs, tries to remove the banner that the hooligans were holding. This person was pushed gently a side in the beginning but when he tried a second attempt to remove the banner he got punched in the face and felt down. I don't agree with violence but this person sure asked for it.
Then it all started, that group of left winged radicals on the top of the stairs started to provoke the entire group of hooligans and signing songs against them, they were called racists and fascists. This was extremely ridiculous because you could see that amongst the hooligans there were other coloured people. Off course a response followed after a few minutes and the hooligans decided in a resolute way without violence to remove these left winged group from the stairs. (A bit unhandy that some of them walked on the flowers) the police came in between and escorted the left winged group for their safety and the hooligans were possessing the stairs.
Unfortunately the damage was done.
People that arrived to the place believed it was an action of extreme right, helped by the removed left winged group that got amongst the neutral people spreading the rumour that it were fascists. I tried to get in between and told the people that it wasn't true what these left winged people were saying but suddenly I got smacked on the head, my son starts crying. I turned around and saw nobody, a cowardly act and why?!
Because I was telling the truth? A tv crew of "VRT", that was at 3 meters away from me, did witnessed the scene but decided to continue and film the hooligans.
I decided to go home, my son was terrified. On the radio I heard how the media spread the news of how extreme right protesters provoked riots. But I saw for myself that that wasn't the truth. The provocations came clearly from the extreme left winged corner.
Unbelievable how police forces started to action against our people that stand up for their country and its norms and values.
This action had nothing to do with racism, that was obvious. My stomach hurts and I could vomit when I see how the media is lying against the people and of how they are trying to marginalise and demonise this protest. Then you have for once people that stand up for their country and then they get blamed.
Hooligans that normally would rip each other apart, now stood side by side and stood up for their and our country.
It could be a beautiful story but unfortunately I realise once more that we live in bullshit society. Too bad! Only deception rules.
But I would like to pay my respects to these casuals against terrorism. And thank you!
Next time I walk with you guys!

Re: Занимљиве слике и клипови

Posted: Wed Mar 30, 2016 2:22 pm
by čompika
Ma ja tražio snimak zato što mi je smešno kako hipster debeli dobija po lobanji, šta ja znam ko je koga tu izazvao.

Re: Занимљиве слике и клипови

Posted: Wed Mar 30, 2016 4:55 pm
by Mavkooo
xaxaxaxax 'rvati


Re: Занимљиве слике и клипови

Posted: Wed Mar 30, 2016 5:41 pm
by pustinjska lisica
Бакља, а у ствари шта? Не бих читао толики текст ни на српском, камо ли на енглеском. Дедер препричај :mrgreen:

Re: RE: Re: Занимљиве слике и клипови

Posted: Wed Mar 30, 2016 7:32 pm
by zizou
pustinjska lisica wrote:Бакља, а у ствари шта? Не бих читао толики текст ни на српском, камо ли на енглеском. Дедер препричај :mrgreen:

Кренуо сам да пишем и сморио се на пола :D Јбг

Re: Занимљиве слике и клипови

Posted: Wed Mar 30, 2016 9:28 pm
by blatnjavi
Ево у пар реченица сажето: Прича неки Белгијанац како је ишао са малим сином на меморијално обележавање ове погибије у Бриселу. И тамо је била нека група левичара што је дошла да пропагира своје идеје и експлоатише трагедију а појавила се и група навијача у кежуал гардероби њих око 600. Даље прича како су се навијачи понашали по ПС -у, били пристојни, патриотски настројени итд. а левичари су почели да провоцирају и праве срања ( за оног с наочарима што је добио по њокари каже да је био дрогиран ко кица и да је покушвао да скине неку паролу против тероризма).

На крају су навијачи реговали на левичарско вређање и провокације па су их отерали одатле а медијска машина је за цело срање окривила "фашисте" и "расисте" тј. навијаче а то нема везе с мозгом итд...

Класика све у свему, вероватно су обеваштајне службе одрадиле посо а десна опција приказана као нацисти, багра насилничка и изгредници.

Re: Занимљиве слике и клипови

Posted: Wed Mar 30, 2016 11:46 pm
by Blackadder
Mogu se sad jebati kolektivno, i levi i desni, kad im ko zna koliko mudzahedina vrslja po evropi... A slabo se govori o ovakvim stvarima :

Pre dve nedelje su iskrivili nekog austrijanca u Becu, zavrsio u bolnici jer je pokusao da zastiti zenu (inace čečenku) od ovakvih pavijana..

Re: Занимљиве слике и клипови

Posted: Thu Mar 31, 2016 6:25 pm
by njasvi
njuz net
